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14th July 2024 - CFC Bangalore - Sunday Church Service
Jesus Continuously Sought Power in Prayer
"Jesus continuously sought for the power of God in prayer, and was never disappointed."
All That Jesus Taught
The Great Commission that Jesus gave His apostles consisted of TWO parts: (1) To preach the gospel to everyone (Mark 16:15, 16). (2) To make disciples, baptize them, and then teach them all that Jesus taught (Matt. 28:29, 20).
7th July 2024 - CFC Bangalore -Sunday Service
Victory is Possible by the Power of the Holy Spirit
"Satan has always told man that God's laws are burdensome and impossible to be obeyed. Jesus came as a man and exposed that lie of Satan by His life of perfect obedience."
Does God Know You
Rejecting the Power of the Soul

Jesus did not use soul-power to manipulate others to His way of thinking. He never imposed Himself on others. He always gave others the freedom to reject Him if they so chose.

How To Get Rich In This Life