WFTW Body: 

Once, when I was planning to go to a certain country (where preaching the gospel is forbidden), the Lord reminded me of Matthew 28:18-19. I saw then, that it was because the Lord has all authority in heaven and on earth, that He has commanded us to go to every nation and make disciples. If we don't go forth on that basis, we'll face problems wherever we go.

The word "therefore" is the most important word in the great commission in Matthew 28. Most preachers emphasise the word "Go". That's good. But on what basis are we to go? On the basis of our Lord having total authority over all people on this earth and over all demons as well. If you don't really believe that, then it's better that you don't go anywhere!

This verse in Matthew 28 came to me as a new revelation at that time. Then I realised that I could go to that country without any hesitation. There were fears within me - naturally - when I entered that country. But I didn't take my decision on the basis of those fears.

If you think there's some nation in this world where the Lord Jesus does NOT have total authority, then I'd advice you not to go there! I would not go there myself. I'd be scared. But thank God there's no such place anywhere on this earth! Every corner of this earth is under the authority of our Lord.

In the same way, if you think there's some man somewhere (however powerful he may be), over whom our Lord doesn't have authority, then you'll have to live in fear of him always. But thank God there's no such person anywhere. Our Lord has authority over every single human being. Even King Nebuchadnezzar understood that - as we read in Daniel 4:35.

If there's some demon somewhere who was not conquered by our Lord on Calvary, but who somehow escaped defeat, then we must live in fear of that demon always. But there's no demon like that who was not defeated on the cross. Satan himself was defeated there - permanently. That's what delivers us from all fear of Satan and his demons, and gives us great boldness in our ministry.

So we go wherever God calls us to go. There may be risks in some places. But to the best of our knowledge, if we feel the Lord is leading us there, then we need not fear to go. The question is not whether there is persecution of Christians in a particular place or not. The only question is whether the Lord has asked us to go there or not. If He has, then His authority will back us up totally. We need have no fear whatsoever. But if God has not called us to go somewhere, then we should not go, no matter how much men may try and persuade us to go, or how much the spirit of adventure within us makes us want to go!

We must ask ourselves why we're going to a particular place. If we're going because we want to make disciples, and have no other ambition, then we can be certain that the Lord will be with us always - "even unto the end of the age", as He promised. But we may have other motives. The Lord "examines our heart's attitude" (Jeremiah 12:3) and tests our motives.

The Lord won't commit Himself to everyone who calls himself a believer. We read that in John 2:24. But if you can honestly say to the Lord: 

Lord, I'm going to this place only because I feel You've called me to go there. And I'm going there only to make disciples, to baptize them in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit and to teach them to do everything that You have commanded. I'm not going there to make money or to get a name for myself or for any other personal reason.

If you can say that honestly, then you'll certainly have the Lord's authority backing you always.

And then you won't have to live in fear, wondering what will happen to your wife and children or how your financial needs will be met. The only question that is important is "Has God called you or not?" Is God sending you there or is some man sending you there? Or is it the spirit of adventure that's driving you?

If you've got some program other than God's program, then I can't offer you a single promise from Scripture to comfort you. But if Your program is the same as God's program - to make disciples, baptize them in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit and teach them to do everything Jesus commanded - then I can assure you, you don't have to fear men or demons.