Every move, every word, every thought. It's all caught on this tape. Read this article in other languages...
Armenian | Albanian | Bulgarian | Bosnian | Cestina | Croatian | Dutch | French | German | Hindi | Hungarian | Italian | Kannada | Malayalam | Marathi | Malagasy | Macedonian | Montenegrin | Portuguese | Romanian | Serbian | Sinhala | Spanish | Slovenian | Tamil | Telugu | Urdu |With a video-camera it is now possible to record exactly the scenes and sounds that we see and hear around us. When this video-tape is later replayed on a screen, it will portray exactly what took place.
The Bible says that a day is coming when we will all have to give an account of ourselves to God. When we consider all the billions of people who have lived on this earth during the many centuries of man's history, we may wonder how God could possibly keep a record of everything that every man did, said and thought, during his lifetime. This record is kept by God in each man's memory.
Memory is like a video-tape that faithfully records everything that we do, say and think. It also records our inner attitudes and motives. When a person dies, although he leaves his body behind on earth, his memory being a part of his soul, goes with his soul to the place of dead spirits. When the day of judgment finally comes, his soul will again be united to the dust that was once his body on earth and he will be raised up in a physical body to stand before God to give an account of his entire life on earth. In that day, when each person's turn comes for judgment, all that God will have to do will be to replay the video-tape of that person's own memory on to a screen for the whole world to see. No-one will be able to question the accuracy of that display for it will be his own memory replaying the record of his life.

The outward veneer of decency and religion that people wear today will be stripped off and the true inner person will then be exposed. Religion will not save anyone in that day, for it will be clearly seen that all have sinned - whatever religion they may have been born into or practiced. Good works done, money given to the poor or to religious institutions also will not save anyone - for none of these religious activities can blot out the record of our sins.
There is ONLY ONE WAY by which the record of the evils that we have done, said and thought can be permanently blotted out from God's sight, so that they will not be played back by the video, tape in that day of judgment. Our good works cannot blot out our evil works. No. Never.
A just and righteous punishment has to be meted out for the sins that we have committed. The Bible says that there is only one punishment laid down in the Divine law for sin - and that is ETERNAL DEATH. This death is what each of us deserve for our sins.
It was in order to save us from this punishment of eternal death that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came down from Heaven to earth as a man and died on a cross outside Jerusalem, about 2000 years ago. There he took the Divine punishment for the sins of humanity - for the sins of ALL people of all religions. Three days after He was buried in a grave, He came out alive from the dead, proving that He was indeed God manifest in human form, and that He could conquer death - man's greatest enemy. Forty days later, while many were watching Him, He ascended up into Heaven, promising to return to earth again at the appointed time to judge all men. Over 19 centuries have passed by since He gave that promise and now the time of His return to earth has drawn near. One of these days we shall see Him return in the skies from Heaven.
Jesus Christ was the ONLY ONE in history to die for the sins of the human race. He was also the ONLY ONE to rise again from the dead. In these two matters He is unique.
Today, our sins can be forgiven and erased from that video-tape, if we sincerely turn from our sins and repent of them, asking God to forgive us for Jesus Christ's sake, believing that He died for our sins and rose again from the dead.
You can ask the Lord Jesus Christ now to come into your life and blot out the record of your past sinful life - however great and many your sins may have been. Then you can start life again with a clean record and be a child of God.
This is the ONLY WAY of salvation that God has appointed for the human race. Avail of it now. Remember that the only other alternative that you have, is to face the record of your sins played back by the video-tape of your memory, in the day of judgment. Knowing this truth and realising the seriousness of eternal judgment in a lake of fire for all sinners, it is our duty to lovingly warn everyone.
May you take that right decision today, without further delay, and may God bless you with eternal life thereby.
We offer you this message from God, in sincere love.